Friday, February 5, 2010

Favorite Fives : Kitchen

This seems like a really fun idea!  What are my 5 favorite kitchen things?  Oh, so many to choose little time...

Definitely my KitchenAid stand mixer  I mean it's just the classic, but I use it nearly every day!  I make bread several times a week, and this machine saves me sooo much time and effort.  


A VERY close second would be my J.A. Henkel's knives.  They rock!  The chef's knife cuts through potatoes like a hot knife through butter.  Unfortunately, it also cuts through skin the same way ;(


My toaster oven!  I toast, I bake, I broil.  I save electricity!  Rather than use the big oven, I use it all the time.


My Black & Decker mini-chopper.  I got it when Doodlebug was starting on solids and I pureed everything.  It's great for chopping garlic, onions, peppers, etc, etc, etc.  It's also great for emulsification.  I make my own salad dressing, so it gets a lot of use.  However, the boys are getting bigger...appetites are getting I think this fav is going to change to my KitchenAid food processor :) 


My cookbooks.  I spent years collecting and sorting recipes and now have quite a collection.  I couldn't get by without them!

How about you?  What are your favorite kitchen things??
Go see Emily at God's Canvas  for more kitchen favs!


  1. Oh I just love my Henkles too.. they do rock...
    I recently ordered the new Pioneer woman cookbook.. it is fantastic!

  2. I've been looking at the KitchenAid food processor and a Cuisinart. I just can't decide! (i have a B&D mini and a larger one, but now I need a GOOD one.)

  3. I love the KitchenAid, but then again...I've also never used a Cuisinart and I've heard lots of good things about them too :)


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God Bless!