Saturday, March 6, 2010

As luck would have it...

As luck would have it...

After posting about my 5 favorites, I go out to the mailbox and find a few more!!!


Does this box look familiar?!? :)

Of course, it's filled with more of my favorite things ~ 
(what homeschooling mom doesn't love books ?!?)



We have:
Loyola Kid's Book of Saints
Usborne Time Traveler
F is for First State
G is for Garden State
Old Testament Days : An Activity Guide (this and the other ones in the series are fantastic!)
An Alphabet of Catholic Saints
K is for Keystone
New Catholic Picture Bible
You Can Understand the Bible:A Practical and Illuminating Guide (for me)

I've recently been doing some thinking about our curriculum and decided we needed some overhauling.  We're adding on some Geography, covering a state about every other week, so I'm slowly acquiring the Discover America State By State Series.  I purchased the first 4 states already, the rest I'll keep an eye on through Amazon.  When I find a good deal (probably used), I'll grab it.  Going through roughly 2 states per month will take us a while to finish. There are study guides for each book here.

We also added World History with RC History.  That's what most of the rest of the books are for.  It looks like I'm going to have to buy more for this program though.  I went through the book list from the publishers' website and found most of the books at the library.  Great, but when requesting them, it is taking the library forever (longer than usual) to get the books.  To guard against not having access when needed (especially since I'll be doing this with 3 kids), I'll probably buy the books.  They're a good investment.

We'll also be working on the Alphabet Path using the ideas found here.  Jessica has some fantastic ideas!  Since I don't have nearly her energy, I don't think we'll be doing everything, but we will do what is good for our family.

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