Friday, April 23, 2010

On the Feast of St. George

Our first dragon cake!

I think it came out pretty well...
What do you think???

The boys were very happy with it.

Two 9-inch round devil's food cakes.  Cut according to Charlotte's suggestion, with a twist ;)

Rather than ding-dongs, I shortened the neck and used the pieces for legs.

Charlotte suggested freezing it to set the first layer of frosting, but I didn't have time (or freezer space), so I went with it.

I used Craisins for the red eyes and I figured a dragon that breathes fire *must* have red nostrils...
so I used them there too.

The spikes are Little Debbie devil squares.

We also read about St. George in:
Saints Lives and Illuminations by Ruth Sanderson 
and in 
Loyola Kids Book of Saints by Amy Welborn.  As a side note, this really is a great book!  It not only tells about the saint (like all other saints' books) but it also focuses on a strength/virtue of the particular saint.

We read:
Saint George and the Dragon by Margaret Hodges 
Saint George and the Dragon by Geraldine McCaughrean
Then we colored Saint George from Fenestrae Fidei

Velcro Boy

The Professor

He takes a bit longer to get these done (he's awfully particular), 
so his will be finished tomorrow.


  1. Your cake turned out GREAT!!! Happy Feast of St. George!!

  2. Hi. Just found you from Catholic Cuisine. didn't do the cake this year, but will next year for sure. what a great cake, and fun activities for your children. Nice to meet you.

  3. Great job Kelly! This was my first year to make the cake too.

    Thanks for the tip on the book *Loyola Kids Book of Saints by Amy Welborn* I'm going to look into it. I love finding new books to share with the children!

    God bless!


Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. I enjoy reading your comments.
God Bless!