Sunday, August 15, 2010

American History ~ Revolutionary War lapbook

I found this great lapbook  based on the book If You Lived During the American Revolution.  This book is a curriculum about the War in itself!  Especially if you combine it with the lapbook too!  Interested...

the whole book...

book #1

left flap


right flap

book #2

left flap


right flap

book #3

left flap


left flap

This is the most extensive lapbook we've done so far.  It was fun and very informative, but I did learn a few things.  

1.  There was a lot of writing, so I did most/all of the writing, while the Professor dictated.
2.  We did it in lumps, several books each day.  I would have spread it out more.
3.  We did the books, saving the cutting and gluing until the end.  In the future, I will cut and glue as we go.

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